Monday, January 24, 2011

Georgetown Cupcake: Free Lava Fudge Snowball Cupcake

Ah, Lava Fudge, how I love thee. 

Ah, Coconut, how I loathe thee. 

As you might figure out, I have pretty mixed feelings on this particular flavor from Georgetown Cupcake, haha.  But then again if you know me or have read previous cupcake posts before, you won't be surprised that I hate coconut so there was no way I was going to love this flavor.  Luckily I brought this cupcake to NJ with me so someone in my family could eat it, and I can just have one bite for the sake of this review. 

And by "review", I pretty much mean state the obvious- loved the bottom cake, hated the coconut topping, haha.  But if you're a fan of chocolate and coconut this cupcake would be perfect for you.  I love how the Lava Fudge cupcake has that extra gooey fudge core to add even more richness to the chocolate cake.  Also, visually, it's a v. cute and festive cupcake for the wintertime. 



  1. @Ilana: Haha yes you def would be a better candidate for liking this one.
